What is #livetusc
#livetusc strives to create a community of young adults living and/or working in Tuscarawas County, Ohio by assisting opportunities for social interaction and networking. We provide an awareness about the resources, activities, events, art, outdoor rec, education, and career opportunities in Tuscarawas County to encourage positive engagement about the quality of life in this area.
How we started
#livetusc began as a collaborative project between the Tuscarawas County Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) and the Economic Development & Finance Alliance of Tuscarawas County (EDFA). After hearing the concerns many business owners had about the aging workforce, we decided to take action.
Now supported by the CVB and community advocates, #livetusc is an ongoing Tuscarawas County marketing campaign focused on young adults to increase their awareness of the many positive attributes of the county so that they stay here to live, learn, work and play.